Saturday, March 10, 2012


My favorite candy is cotton candy because its so FLUFFY. Also, because it just like melts in your mouth.  I love it so much. Thats all for now. DO you love taylor swift? Answer yes or no by commenting.


       Hello!!!! Taylor Swift is amazing. She sings so well. I love dogs, slushies, the number 33, Taylor Swift, and cotton candy. I love sugar. I love and i mean love candy. Its just so yummy. I could never live without sweets, like lollipops, gummy bears, and chocolate, I would die and that wouldn't be good. My favorite sports are skating and gymnastics. Have a  nice and sweet day!!!!


The candy lover, Skatergirl33 

Ps. I am really hyper. I do not eat candy 24/7.Just to let you know.